For Teachers
Supervision and mentoring for Teachers and assessment for Student Teachers.

As an experienced senior teacher with over 3 decades of teaching yoga and mindfulness to groups and individuals, plus workshops and retreats, I can offer a supervisory role to other yoga teachers and student teachers in training.
If you are interested in exploring how this could be of benefit to you and your teaching, please contact me to have a chat, I'd love to share my experiences of the life long journey of Yoga!
For Everyone………
Spiritual Guidance & Support

There is a shift happening on our planet. Have you noticed it? Have you felt it? How is it affecting you? Are you curious? The ‘old way’ of DOING things is crumbling away. We are being asked to raise our consciousness, our vibration, to re-evaluate who we are and our place in the world, our relationships, our lives, And, Be a part of consciously bringing in a ‘new way’ of BEING. As this Golden Age dawns on us We need to ground ourselves to the truth See ourselves powerful as a holographic representation of the whole Find a daily physical / energetic / spiritual practice that works for us to bring calm, balance & resilience for body-heart-mind Develop trust that the abundant universe will support you no matter what...........
Join me for a personal 1-1 guidance session that can set you off on the right path with some fundamental basics of connecting to your higher self for your spiritual nourishment and connecting to your earth body for your physical nourishment. Whether you see yourself as a beginner or a more experienced traveller on the path. We all need some guidance and support at times. You are welcome to explore more with me.