
Rest - Relax - Replenish!

The Themes of Winter:



Winter is the most Yin phase of the Five Element cycle. Yin is slower, inward, downward, and more feminine. In this stage of the Five Element cycle, related to winter, the land becomes quiet and dormant, animal movements slow, water turns to ice, and plants store energy in their roots.

The Water element represents the deepest parts of nature and our bodies. Our bones and our energetic Kidneys and Bladder are most closely associated with this element.

Practices emphasizing rest and receptivity support the Water element and its associated organs and tissues, along with yoga poses targeting the Kidney and Bladder meridians.

The water element governs the functions of:
water metabolism - reproduction - emotional maturation - physical development - sexual organ function -  longevity and bone strength.

Working in this way with the water element, we can restore our batteries =

Rest - Relax - Replenish!

Tracing the K + UB Meridians

I invite you now to take your attention now to the urinary bladder meridian in your mind tracing a line from

  • the inner corner of the eyes

  • up and over the forehead

  • over the back of the head

  • down the back of the neck

  • drawing down the back on either side of the spine all the way down the back of the legs to the ankle

  • then along the outside of the foot to the little toe

  • Noticing any sensations here?

Now, moving your attention now to the kidney meridian tracing an imaginary line from the little toe under the sole of the foot to the inner ankle

  • up the inner leg to the inside of the crease at the back of the knee

  • up the inside of the thigh up to the pubic bone and

  • up the front of the stomach to the chest

  • ending just below the inner side of the collarbones

  • what do you notice here?

Keeping K + UB Vital + Strong

Moving the spine in all directions daily - yoga perfect for this!
Practice Yoga Nidra or other relaxation techniques to restore the batteries and coming home to rest.
Try some Yin postures that take our attention inwards, finding a place of stillness, practice being in the body and resting there.
I suggest ensuring your lower back is covered and warm - try a Haramaki (kidney/hara warmer).
Wearing socks for cold feet.
Avoiding cold or raw foods & drinks if you feel your water element is out of harmony or out of balance.
Try to take more cooked nourishing foods and warm drinks, adding warming spices such as chili, garlic, ginger and cinnamon.

Balancing our Emotions

Emotion = energy in motion!
Our water element governs the emotion of fear.
When this element is out of balance we can feel fearful  -  lack trust in others and be prone to procrastination.
When the water balances in harmony we will feel wise, open and philosophical - courageous - have faith & trust.
All good qualities to cultivate for our New Year!